ADA Compliance


CSUF is committed to providing a diverse and supportive academic and work environment that facilitates learning, teaching, working and conducting research for all students, employees and visitors. It is CSU policy to ensure that individuals with disabilities have equal access to and the opportunity to participate in University programs, activities and services.

If assistance or accommodations are needed, please see information below. 


Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance is driven by multiple federal statutes, including the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the ADA of 1990, and the ADA Amendments of 2008, that aim to prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability and ensure equal opportunity for people with disabilities. Each builds upon the other to extend protections for people with disabilities to more broadly encompass impairments of major life activity and the inclusion of assistive devices, auxiliary aids, and accommodations. In addition, they established requirements for employers to have an ADA coordinator, perform self-evaluations, and develop a transition plan to ensure ADA compliance. Further, provisions of the California Education Code set additional requirements for the level and quality of services provided to students with disabilities and for procedures that must be followed by the California State University (CSU) and CSUF.

The CSU has three main policies that establish systemwide rules for disability support and accommodation to ensure ADA compliance. The first is Policy for the Provision of Accommodations and Support Services to Students with DisabilitiesPDF File , which is intended to ensure that no qualified individual with a disability shall, on the basis of disability, be excluded from participation in the services, programs, or activities of the CSU and its universities. This policy applies only to students with disabilities. CSU ADA compliance is also guided by the Disability Support and Accommodations Policy, which documents policies for the disability support and accommodation program and outlines responsibilities for monitoring compliance with the policy. This policy expands on the student support policy and applies, but is not limited to, academic programs and services, student services, human resources services, information resources and technologies, procurement of goods and services, and capital planning, design, and construction. It applies to students, faculty, staff, and the general public. The CSU also has an Accessible Technology Initiative Policy to develop the work plan, guidance, and resources to assist universities in carrying out the accessible technology provisions in the Disability Support and Accommodations Policy.

ADA Compliance Manager

CSUF’s ADA Compliance Manager acts as a resource to the campus community to ensure compliance with applicable federal and state laws and regulations. This position, in collaboration with the ADA Program Managers, works with the appropriate departments to remove physical access barriers, ensure program and activity access, investigate complaints of non-compliance and respond to questions relating to CSUF’s policies and procedures relating to access and accommodation.

CSU policy prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability. Students, employees and members of the public with a complaint, grievance or concern regarding their rights under the ADA may contact the Compliance Manager. The Compliance Manager will review the complaint, grievance or concern, refer the individual to the appropriate office or process or otherwise ensure that the concern is addressed as appropriate. CSU policy also prohibits retaliation against those requesting disability accommodations and those raising issues and concerns regarding possible disability discrimination or failure to accommodate.

Angela Woods
ADA Compliance Manager
(657) 278-8501

CSUF Disability Access and Compliance Committee (DACC) 


DACC Charter

DACC Members

Name Title Department

Alex Rosales

Director of Contracts and Procurement

Division of Administration and Financ

Angela Woods

ADA Compliance Manager

Risk Management and Compliance, HRIE

Dr. Calli Lewis Chiu

Associate Professor Special Education and Urban Learning Director

Special Education

Dr. Christian Abson

Director of Disability Support Services (DSS)

Student Affairs

Erica Bowers

Senior Director of the Academic Technology Center (ATC)

IT - Center for Academic Technology

Griselda Marques

Manager of Disability Programs

Total Wellness, HRIE

Laney Englesberg

Assistant Director of the Business Advising Center

Academic Affairs

Laura Riegler

Director of Planning, Design, and Construction

Capital Programs and Facilities Management

Liz Boyd

Student Representative

Disabled Support Services/Abled Advocators

Lorraine Nunez-Santana

Associated Students Incorporated Governance Student Ambassador

Associated Students Incorporated

Marc Montaser

ATI Coordinator

Information Technology

Mark Rudometkin

Senior Director

Parking and Transportation

Megan Hutchinson

Student Representative

Disabled Support Services/Abled Advocators

Shannon Ledoux

Adminstrative Analyst (Fee Waiver, Faculty/Staff Visa, Permanent Residency)

Risk Management and Compliance, HRIE

DACC Meeting Agendas

DACC Meeting Notes

ADA Program Managers

The individuals listed below are available to provide information about disability accommodations and access within their respective areas. 
Physical Address:
Laura Riegler
Director, Planning, and Construction
(657) 278-3615

Disability Support and Accommodations for Students
Dr. Christian Abson
Director of Student Support
(657) 278-8044

Disability Support and Accommodations in Employment
Griselda Marquez
Manager, Disability Programs
(657) 278-5187

Accessible Technology
Marc Montaser
ATI Coordinator
(657) 278-8494

Disability Support and Accommodations in Contracting
Alex Rosales
Director, Contracts and Procurement
(657) 278-4503


Cal State Fullerton is committed to providing a diverse and supportive academic and work environment that facilitates learning, teaching, working, and conducting research for all students, employees and visitors. It is CSU policy to ensure that individuals with disabilities shall have equal access to and the opportunity to participate in CSU programs, activities, and services. Using the button below, please submit any experience, observation, and/or concern in relation to ADA compliance with  The Americans with Disabilities ActOpens in new window  or the  CSU Disability Support and Accommodations PolicyOpens in new window .


Make an ADA ReportOpens in new window





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