Academic Safety
Along with providing for the academic development of students, the faculty and staff are also responsible for ensuring safety and a safe instructional environment for the student. Laboratories, field trips, internships, study abroad and other higher risk activities require a higher level of attention depending on the nature of the activity.
Driving a vehicle on University business
Foreign Travel Insurance
Taking a class on a field trip
When Do I need a Release of Liability
Off-campus assignments for students
Students are often given an assignment to visit locations or events such as schools, museums, plays, or conferences. A faculty's responsibility is to ensure these locations are safe and to inform and discuss with students any known risks associated with the assignment.
Student refusal to participate in a course activity
Any student who at any time believes that risks associated with a field trip or other activity are excessive whether physical or psychological, may withdraw from participation at that time without penalty. Students who have withdrawn from an activity due to their perception of the risks involved must ask the instructor whether there are alternative means of fulfilling the requirements. If there are none, the student may petition for withdrawal from the course without penalty or appeal for an appropriate modification of the activity.
Faculty responsibility for students injured in the classroom, laboratory, or on a field trip
For on campus injuries: Faculty must first ensure that the injured student(s) receive appropriate medical attention. If the injury is more than first aid, dial 9-1-1 from any campus phone or cell phone. The University Police will respond and determine if the student(s) should seek medical attention from the Student Health Center or call Emergency Medical Services for treatment or transport to nearest hospital.
For off campus injuries during a field trip dial 9-1-1 immediately.
Once the student has student has received the proper medical care, complete a Student/Visitor Injury Report. Visit our forms page and find the form under the Risk Management table. and send a copy to Environmental Health and Safety, T-1475 and to Risk Management, CP-770.
Faculty responsibility when students participate in service-based learning and internships
There are two documents that the university uses to manage risk in relation to credit- bearing off-campus experiences: The University-Community Learning Activity Agreement, and the Participation Consent Form. The University-Community Learning Activity Agreement is a contract, developed by Contracts and Procurement, that guides the relationship between the University and the off-campus agency hosting our students in a credit-bearing off-campus experience.
For information, consult with the Center for Internships and Community Engagement or visit the CICE website
Students requesting Internships outside of the United States and its territories will require completion of the following forms. To access the following forms, visit our forms page and find the form under the Risk Management table.
- Release of Liability and Assumption of Risk Waiver
- Student Code of Conduct Agreement
- Foreign Travel Liability Insurance