Usage Only Leave Types
Absence Without Leave
If an absence, other than sick leave, is not requested and approved in advance, it is recorded as an Absence Without Leave (AWOL). Absence without leave, whether voluntary or involuntary, for five (5) consecutive work days constitutes an automatic resignation.
Required Form:
Attendance Recording:
Enter the number of hours and tenths of hours taken for time reporter code "A" on Absence and Additional Time Worked Form 634.
Administrative Leave
In the event of a natural catastrophe or an emergency situation that places the health or safety of the employee in jeopardy, the President of the University may grant a paid emergency leave.
This applies to all employees and is referred to as Emergency Leave in the Bargaining Unit 3 agreement.
To be entitled to use administrative leave, the employee must be in active employment status. Typically, administrative leave will be of short duration.
Required Form:
Attendance Recording:
When granted by the President, enter "Administrative Leave" in section 5 after "OTHER". In section 8 enter "Administrative Leave on _____< date(s) leave was taken >_____ ".
Information presented is for educational purposes only. The most current labor contracts, State Administrative Manual or other sources contain the updated official rules, regulations and policies.
Approved Leave of Absence Without Pay - Dock
An employee who is absent and has no available sick leave, vacation, compensating time off, personal holiday, or holiday credit must be recorded as absent without pay (Dock).
If an employee is to be docked, a Dock Notice form must be submitted to Payroll Services on a daily basis until the employee either returns to work or earns sufficient leave credits.
Docks must be reported to Payroll Services by the 17th of the month. If docks occur after the 17th of the month, the Dock Notice is to be HAND CARRIED to Payroll Services (CP-770) and an email sent to to alert the appropriate technician of a late dock. The email notification of docks is especially critical on pay days because inaccurate paychecks will not be released.
Required Forms:
Attendance Recording:
On the "L" line of form CMS 634 enter the number of hours on the date the absence occurs. If less than a full day record the absence in hours and tenths of hours.
Information presented is for educational purposes only. The most current labor contracts, State Administrative Manual or other sources contain the updated official rules, regulations and policies.
Bereavement Leave
Authorized leave with pay due to death of a significantly close relative.Refer to Collective Bargaining Agreement
for definition of "significantly close relative". (Note: Some Collective Bargaining Agreement
use the term "Funeral leave" for this type of leave.)
For more detailed information see the
CSU Bereavement Leave Policy
All employees are eligible for Funeral Leave (FL) except for the following:
- Volunteers
- Graduate Assistants
- Resident Assistants
- Note Takers
- Readers
- Student employees
- Retired Annuitants (except those participating in the Faculty Early Retirement Program)
- Special pay classifications, e.g., summer session, extension, special session, special consultants, substitute faculty.
To be entitled to use Bereavement Leave, an employee must be eligible and in active employment status.
Attendance Recording:
On the "FL" line of CMS form 634, enter the hours for bereavement leave on the day(s) of absence. Enter the qualifying relative in the "RELATIONSHIP TO THE DECEASED" section.
Information presented is for educational purposes only. The most current labor contracts, State Administrative Manual or other sources contain the updated official rules, regulations and policies.
Catastrophic Leave
Eligible, disabled employees may receive sick leave or vacation credits donated by other employees on the same campus. The purpose of donated leave is to ease the financial burden of employees who have exhausted all of their own leave time for personal or family illnesses. To apply for Catastrophic Leave, employees should contact the Office of Human Resources Development. While the employee is receiving donated credit, the position may not be converted.
Catastrophic Leave is a benefit available to all faculty and staff who accrue vacation and/or sick leave. Employees may initially request donated time for up to three calendar months; an additional three-month period may be approved in exceptional cases. Depending upon the amount of time received, an employee will continue to receive a pay warrant (not to exceed their normal full pay), which will keep all health, dental, and vision benefits in active status. While receiving donated time, employees will continue to earn vacation, sick leave, seniority, and service credits.
To be entitled to use Catastrophic Leave, an employee must be in an active position.
Required Form:
Attendance Recording:
Payroll Services will record the donated leave credits to the employee soliciting the leave credits and reduce the balance of the employee donating the leave credits. The appropriate timekeeper will be notified of leave usage as it is processed.
Information presented is for educational purposes only. The most current labor contracts, State Administrative Manual or other sources contain the updated official rules, regulations and policies.
Family Medical Leave
After one year of employment, an employee is entitled to Family and Medical Leave (FMLA) in accordance with State and Federal Laws and the respective collective bargaining agreement
. The Family Care and Medical Leave Act grants up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave during a 12-month period for the employee's illness, to care for a child, spouse or parent. For the period of unpaid FMLA, the CSU will continue to pay its portion of the employee's medical, dental, and vision premiums. Leave of absence procedures apply to this type of leave.
Information presented is for educational purposes only. The most current labor contracts, State Administrative Manual or other sources contain the updated official rules, regulations and policies.
Industrial Disability Leave
Informal Leave
Coming Soon!
Jury Duty Leave
Jury Duty and Subpoenaed Witness Leave
All employees are eligible for Jury Duty. Time Off with pay for Jury Duty will be only for those hours the employee was scheduled to work.
To be entitled to use Jury Duty, an employee must be eligible and in active employment status.
Forms Used:
Attendance Recording:
When an employee appears for jury duty selection or appears in court as a jury panel member or at a coroner's inquest, enter the hours absent for jury duty on line "JD" of the CMS 634 form.
To receive their full pay while in Jury Duty or Witness status, employees
obtain a Proof of Service (vs. Jury Fee remittances) to verify their jury service. Employees may be eligible to receive travel compensation (one way only). Employees may keep the monies received for reimbursement of jury duty travel expenses.
Information presented is for educational purposes only. The most current labor contracts, State Administrative Manual or other sources contain the updated official rules, regulations and policies.
Maternity/Paternity/Adoption Leave
The Maternity/Paternity/Adoption/Parental leave is a paid leave of up to 30 days, associated with the birth of an employee's own child or the placement of a child with the employee in connection with adoption or foster care. This type of absence is not charged against the employee's leave credits, and the amount of paid days received is based on employee category.
Paid Maternity/Paternity/Adoption/Parental leave may run concurrently with any other related leaves for which the employee is eligible. The chart below is a reference that can be used to determine the amount of paid maternity/paternity/adoption leave an employee is entitled to under this program. Please review MOU or policy for actual language.
To participate in this program, please contact Human Resources at extension 2425.
Additional Information:
Military Leave
Emergency, temporary or indefinite leave is required to fulfill ordered military duty by members of the reserve or armed forces of the United States, National Guard or Naval Militia.
For more detailed information see the Military Leave Information
- Temporary and Emergency Military Leaves: All employees are eligible regardless of their appointment status.
- Indefinite Military Leave: Employees who have permanent or probationary status are eligible.
Required Forms:
- STD 634 Absence and Additional Time Worked Report
- Copy of Military Orders
- Appointment Offer
Attendance Recording:
- For non-emergency military leaves up to thirty days per calendar year, enter the hours on line "ML" of the CMS 634 form. (Note: The employee's CMS 634 form must include a copy of their military orders.)
- For emergency military leaves, enter the hours on line "ML" per occurrence. (Note: The employee's CMS 634 form must include a copy of their military orders.)
- While on paid military leave, every calendar day must be recorded as "ML" including Saturday, Sunday and any holidays that fall within the time off.
Information presented is for educational purposes only. The most current labor contracts, State Administrative Manual or other sources contain the updated official rules, regulations and policies.
Non-Industrial Disability Leave
Subpoenaed Witness Leave
All employees are eligible for Jury Duty. Time Off with pay for Jury Duty will be only for those hours the employee was scheduled to work.
To be entitled to use Jury Duty, an employee must be eligible and in active employment status.
Forms Used:
Attendance Recording:
When an employee appears for jury duty selection or appears in court as a jury panel member or at a coroner's inquest, enter the hours absent for jury duty on line "JD" of the CMS 634 form.
To receive their full pay while in Jury Duty or Witness status, employees
obtain a Proof of Service (vs. Jury Fee remittances) to verify their jury service. Employees may be eligible to receive travel compensation (one way only). Employees may keep the monies received for reimbursement of jury duty travel expenses.
Information presented is for educational purposes only. The most current labor contracts, State Administrative Manual or other sources contain the updated official rules, regulations and policies.
Workers' Compensation