August 11, 2020 News & Updates
Sent to all campus employees on 8/11/20 at 4:53 p.m.
General Updates
Fall Re-Entry Update – Titans Return
For more information on campus re-entry plans, please visit
for the updated Titans Return website where you can find the fall 2020 campus plan and safety protocols, updated FAQs and resources. Please continue to check the site regularly for additional updates from the University as well as state and local response.
How to Report COVID-19 Cases or Exposure at CSUF
The University requests that any employee or student who tests positive for COVID-19 or becomes aware that they may have been in close contact with someone who either has tested positive for or is suspected to have COVID-19 report the positive result or exposure using the CSUF Student/Employee COVID-19 Self-Reporting Form
. Visitors and Vendors may report using the CSUF Visitor/Vendor COVID-19 Self-Reporting Form
. CSUF’s Infectious Diseases Response Team reviews and verifies COVID-19 confirmed cases and responds to concerns from the campus community on COVID-19.
Titan Faculty and Staff Emergency Fund Still Available to Eligible Employees
The Titan Faculty and Staff Emergency Fund provides limited financial assistance for CSUF employees who are unable to meet immediate, essential expenses because of a temporary hardship related to COVID-19. These emergency relief funds are being set up to provide financial support for those who have been severely impacted by COVID-19 that could adversely affect them and their families as they serve the campus and our students.
For eligibility and application information, please visit the Titan Faculty and Staff Emergency Fund webpage on the HRDI website. If you are able, please join us in pledging your support
by making a charitable contribution to the Titan Faculty and Staff Emergency Fund.
Payroll Services
Printing of Direct Deposit Advices Permanently Discontinued
The State Controller’s Office (SCO) has decided to permanently discontinue the printing of employee direct deposit advices in an effort to improve employee access to their paystub data, while keeping costs low and supporting the state’s ‘go-green’ initiatives.
Use Cal Employee Connect to View Pay Statements Online
Cal Employee Connect (CEC), can be utilized to access employee earnings statements at your convenience. The statements available in CEC provide continuity to the statements previously printed by SCO and CEC offers a range of tools to help employees view their earnings. For more information and instructions on how to access the CEC portal and register to see your paystub data, visit the CEC webpage on our website .
Enroll in Direct Deposit
Enroll in direct deposit by filling out form STD 699, Direct Deposit Authorization form. View the Direct Deposit webpage on our website for the form link and instructions on how to enroll in direct deposit online.
Total Wellness
Total Wellness Zoom Sessions
Please join the Total Wellness Team on the Total Wellness Z-Cam. We have exciting events planned for you. All Zoom broadcasts have a limit of 250 viewers, so log on early.
Quick & Easy Healthy Meals- Running out of recipes or just want to learn a new one? Join the Total Wellness Team and your colleagues each week as they demo one of their favorite healthy recipes. This segment takes place Wednesdays at 12:00 pm through September 23. Join a Healthy Meals session here on Wednesdays at noon.
Health Conscious?- Join our conversations as we navigate eating and exercising in this “new normal”. We discuss eating habits, exercise and goal setting. Learn what current WW at Work members are doing to stay on track. Non-WW at Work members are welcome. Join a session here on Tuesdays at 12:30 pm.
To learn more, contact Alexandra Keyes at
Yoga Stretch and Strength-Namaste Titan family. Did you know that Yoga increases your flexibility, muscle strength, improves your respiration, energy and vitality, aids in weight reduction, cardio and circulatory health? It is a physical, mental and spiritual practice. If you want to improve in these areas, join us on Thursdays at 3:00 pm through December 17. Yoga mat or not, we will stretch and build on strength, reduce tension and improve your concentration. Join a yoga session here on Thursdays at 3:00 pm
CalPERS Retirement Workshop
This workshop is geared to help you plan for your retirement and respond to any questions you may have regarding your retirement benefits. It is never too early to start planning. Once you sign up, you will receive the WebEx code for the class, along with other materials via email. Register for workshop on Thursday, August 13 at 9:00 am – 11:00 am here.
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
We are in unique times and they may be challenging for some. Our Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is here to assist you. LifeMatters by Empathia offers an array of services. Benefits can be accessed by employees and their family members, via internet, a 24-hour telephone helpline and/or face-to-face meetings with consultants. Please visit LifeMatters
® and use the code “Titans” or call (800) 367-7474. Visit the EAP webpage on our website for more information on the program.
Ask “Fidelity” Virtual Session
Fidelity representative, Christian Frost will provide information on the topics below and answer questions during a Q&A period.
Learn about the CSU SRP 403b and how to schedule a private virtual planning and guidance session.
Learn how to navigate online planning tools and resources (demo of Fidelity Retirement planning tools).
Fidelity (1:1) Phone and Virtual Consultations
Fidelity continues to offer 1:1 consultations, by phone and virtually. To sign up, please visit
and reserve the time that works best for you. You may also contact Christian Frost at or (657) 236-8901 or contact the main office at (800) 343-0860.
HR Related Questions?
HRDI is here for you. If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to us at (657) 278-2425 or
COVID-19 Resources
People with COVID-19 have had a wide range of symptoms reported – ranging from mild symptoms to severe illness.
Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. People with these symptoms may have COVID-19:
Fever or chills
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Muscle or body aches
New loss of taste or smell
Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose
Nausea or vomiting
This list does not include all possible symptoms. CDC will continue to update this list as we learn more about COVID-19.
Accurate and up-to-date information about COVID-19 is available from the following agencies:
Orange County Health Care Agency
California Department of Public Health
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
The University will continue to monitor the spread of COVID-19 and issue additional communication if and when necessary. Information is available and will be regularly updated on the University’s website at
COVID-19 Related Questions?
Please contact if you have any questions or concerns regarding COVID-19.