Occupational Wellness
Occupational Wellness is the ability to achieve a balance between work and leisure time, addressing workplace stress and building relationships with co-workers. Your attitude about work is a crucial influence for occupational development. You need to explore various career options and find out where you fit. Cal State University Fullerton is committed to education, professional development and job skills training. No matter what your position is here on campus, you will discover valuable resources and learning opportunities available to you.
At-work Resources from Our Campus Partners
Employee Training Center (ETC)
The Employee Training Center (ETC) is a centralized learning management system for university faculty and staff. The Employee Training Center allows users to view training classes offered as well as register and monitor their training history. The Employee Training Center offers all CSUF employees the ability to increase their knowledge through training and development. Content includes In-Person and Online training, seminars and eBooks. Please contact the Employee Training Center for more information.
Environmental Health & Safety Programs
California State University, Fullerton requires that faculty, staff, and students be specifically trained before being authorized to perform certain tasks on campus. Visit their website for more program information on Environmental Compliance, Lab Safety and Safety and Health. Visit the Online Training Class list
for a comprehensive listing of the various classes Environmental Health and Safety has to offer.
Extension and International Programs
CSUF faculty and staff who are State employees are eligible to enroll in many Extension and International Programs professional development courses at no cost, on a space-available basis.
Faculty Development Center
“The Faculty Development Center is committed to helping your thrive and grow as a faculty member at CSUF!
Our workshops offer you a place to connect, create, and collaborate with colleagues. Our in-person and online resources support you in your work as teachers, scholars, artists, and leaders. And we recognize faculty from all disciplines for their outstanding work as members of our campus community.
Explore our online resources and find an upcoming session in our calendar that will help you recharge and reconnect!”
HR Professional Development
Cal State University, Fullerton is committed to education, professional development and job skills training. No matter what your position is here on campus, you will discover valuable resources and learning opportunities available to you.
Information Technology Training
IT Training & Support provides documentation, training, and support to campus constituents on a wide variety of IT applications, programs, and services.