Emeritus Status


Emeritus status is processed and approved by the division of Human Resources and Inclusive Excellence and the President. Once you have been awarded emeritus status, employees will receive a signed letter from the President.




Faculty, management and staff employees, including employees of the University’s official Auxiliary Organizations, who retire immediately upon their separation from Cal State Fullerton and meet the required criteria, shall be awarded emeritus status with its accompanying privileges.



Find the below emeritus request forms on our HR forms page under the Total Wellness > Retirement section. 

  • Staff/Administrator Emeritus Request Form

  • Faculty Emeritus Request Form






  • The employee’s completion of a minimum of ten (10) full-time equivalent years of service at Cal State Fullerton.

  • Verification by the respective program manager in consultation with the immediate supervisor that the employee’s service has been meritorious,

  • Approval by the President or President’s delegate. Emeritus status continues at the prerogative of the President.


*Emeritus status may be granted to temporary faculty members who have completed the equivalent of at least ten years of full-time status upon retirement or death while still in service and how have served honorable and have consistently performed high quality work in the areas of teaching, scholarly and creative activity or service. Nomination procedures shall be the same as full-time employees.




Emeritus Status Benefits


  • Retention of the university identification card, which will indicate their emeritus status (Titan Card)

  • Access to special facilities, including the Emeriti Professor’s office

  • Library privileges

  • Email access

  • Eligibility to participate in Faculty Development Center activities and use other training services

  • Use of other academic and instructional technology services

  • Free campus parking beginning with the first semester of summer session following the individual’s retirement date

  • Regular faculty discounts on campus activities and entrainment events

  • Eligibility to serve on any University committees for which they remain eligible

  • Eligibility for service on thesis and dissertation committees (for faculty)

  • Eligibility for service as substitute teacher (for faculty)

  • Such other privileges as the University, Faculty, Emeriti, Associated Students, and the State of California may create. 

  • Recognition in the online emeriti directory


*The privileges of emeritus status for temporary faculty members shall include all those listed above, except eligibility to serve on University Committee and thesis and dissertation committees.


UPS 261.000 Faculty Emeritus StatusPDF File Opens in new window





Parking Permits

Parking and Transportation Services has transitioned to a License Plate Recognition (LPR) virtual permitting system. Beginning January 2024, physical hangtags will no longer be mailed. The vehicle license plate will be your permit.


As an Emeriti, you may add up to three (3) vehicles to your virtual permit. Please note: only

one vehicle is valid on campus at a time. Need to update or change  the vehicle linked to your Emeriti Permit? You may complete the following steps to update your vehicle information in the Parking Portal.


For questions related to parking and transportation, please email parking@fullerton.edu or calling 657-278-3082. For other parking permit inquiries contact Marisela Delgadillo at mdelgadillo@fullerton.edu or 657-278-3087



Titan Card


Emeriti Center

  • On campus workspace for CSUF emeriti members in Pollak Library North 433. Visit the emeriti center webpage for information on how to obtain access and current amenities.


CSUF Emeriti Association

  • The Emeriti of California State University, Fullerton, is a formal association of all persons awarded emeritus status by the president of CSUF. Learn how to join on the emeriti association webpage.


Academic Technology Center