CEC Direct Deposit FAQ
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for a PDF of the Direct Deposit Frequently Asked Questions.
What happens next?
Once the Direct Deposit Authorization form is completed, the form will be submitted to Payroll services for completion of section E. Payroll Services will submit the original to the State Controllers office. Direct Deposit enrollment takes up to 45 days to take into effect. During the enrollment transition time, employees will receive a paper warrant until direct deposit enrollment takes effect.
How will I know if the State has sent my pay warrant to my financial institution?
You will receive a Direct Deposit Advice (DDA) from your department. The notice will be distributed with the main payroll on payday or may be picked up at College Park CP 300.
What happens if a pay warrant is rejected by my financial institution because of a problem with the account?
If a pay warrant is rejected by your financial institution because of an invalid account number, the State Controllers office will notify your Payroll office, take you off the Direct Deposit program, and issue a paper warrant.
What happens if I work for another State agency and have enrolled on direct deposit already?
If you work for another State agency and have enrolled in direct deposit, you will not need to reenroll. Your direct deposit will be the same unless any changes are made with either agency.