Attendance Process
Current Leave Balances can be accessed via the CMS HR tab on the Portal. For additional instructions please visit the CMS Training and Support
State Pay Plan
In accordance with Board of Control Rule 633.2, salaries of State officers and employees will be paid on the basis of 12, nearly equal, pay periods each year. The pay period will contain either 21 or 22 normal workdays, called a calendar month. Normal workdays are Monday through Friday including holidays during the week. The exception is when there are more than 22 or fewer than 21 workdays in a month, then the pay period may end one day before or after the end of the calendar month. On rare occasions the pay period may end two days before the end of the calendar month. The end of the third monthly pay period, in each quarter, will always coincide with the end of the calendar quarter. Monthly salary rates are the pay for full pay periods of employment. Special procedures apply to academic-year employees and ten-month academic employees in State universities, prescribed by Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations and the SCO's Payroll Procedures Manual.
Information presented is for educational purposes only. The most current labor contracts, State Administrative Manual or other sources contain the updated official rules, regulations and policies.
Roles and Responsibilities
The Timekeeper is responsible for handling personnel information and transactions and therefore should endure strict confidentiality and care.
The Role of the Timekeeper
The Timekeeper is a staff member responsible for the following tasks in connection with reporting of employee attendance as follows:
- It is the responsibility of the Timekeeper to submit, to Human Resource Services - Payroll, the Attendance Certification Report (Report ID: FULLA003) and all Absence and Additional Time Worked Report Forms (CMS 634) for the agency/unit along with any attachments (doctor's notes, memos waiving leave maximums, etc.).
- Per the State Controller's Office, all attendance reports must be submitted to Human Resource Services - Payroll no later than the fourth workday following the close of the pay period.
- Timekeepers must report all leave credits taken on the Attendance Certification Report.
- Timekeepers are responsible for learning and keeping abreast of all Leave Accounting Guidelines and updates and attending scheduled meetings and training on these functions. Inquiries may be directed to the appropriate Account Representative assigned to your department/division.
- It is the responsibility of the department Timekeeper to have the completed and signed CMS 634 form, or information that the employee did not use time in the pay period the payments are for, or the appropriate time sheet in hand before the Salary Warrant Coordinator releases the salary warrants to employees. The Salary Warrant Coordinator must return the salary warrants to Human Resource Services - Payroll for those employees who have not submitted an approved CMS 634 form or appropriate time sheet.
- Timekeepers must ensure that Attendance Certification Reports are completed and signed by the appropriate administrator by the fourth working day following the close of the pay period for all negative payroll employees (staff and faculty paid on a monthly basis). This form is used to correctly reflect the actual work schedules for all negative payroll employees for the pay period being reported.
- Timekeepers must add the names of any employees who should have been paid from the agency/unit listed on the Attendance Certification Report that were not preprinted. Every employee receiving a payment for the pay period must be listed on the Attendance Certification Report.
- If a correction to previously reported attendance is required, the Timekeeper must submit a corrected CMS 634. The new CMS 634 should be completed reflecting all absences taken, not just the corrected entries. Write Revised Copy at the top of the CMS634 and highlight. Do not hold and submit with later attendance reports; immediately forward revised form to Human Resource Services - Payroll. If the employee is not available to sign, please indicate on the CMS 634 'Not Available for Signature'.
- Timekeepers should utilize the Attendance Verification Report (Report ID: FULLA004) to verify the reported usage
- Timekeepers are the liaison to the campus community for their respective areas of responsibility.
- Timekeepers must immediately notify Human Resource Services - Payroll of discrepancies by sending an email to the appropriate Account Representative assigned to their department or division.
Approving Official
The role listed below is responsible for handling personnel information and transactions and therefore should ensure strict confidentiality and care.
The Role of the Approving Official for Absence and Additional Time Worked Form 634 and the Attendance Certification Report:
- Each designated Approving Official is responsible for seeing that employees comply with the regulations governing absence from work.
- An employee may be required to provide a physician's statement or other appropriate verification for absences after three (3) consecutive days charged to sick leave.
- Approving Officials are responsible for promptly reviewing and signing the employee's absence report and forwarding it to the timekeeper.
- Review attendance submitted by employees on Form 634 and the summary of all employees' attendance on the Attendance Certification Report (FULLA003).
- Ensure accurate and complete reporting based on appropriate internal controls and procedures.
- Approving Official is responsible for ensuring that time used does not exceed available leave credits at the time the leave is taken.
- The approver of the Attendance Certification Report must be an appropriate administrator (MPP) or equivalent (e.g. Department Chair).
Warrant Coordinator
The role listed below is responsible for handling personnel information and transactions and therefore should ensure strict confidentiality and care.
Payroll Warrant Coordinator Task List
- Warrant Coordinators are responsible for picking up payroll checks on paydays at the designated check distribution location or in Human Resource Services - Payroll Office (CP-770) for checks that are issued in between paydays.
- After verifying each check against the warrant register to make sure that all checks are accounted for, the Warrant Coordinators sign and date the register and return the signed warrant register and any warrants/direct deposit advices that should not be distributed to the Payroll Representative who originally distributed the registers.
- Warrant Coordinators distribute the checks to individual employees within their department. Payroll warrants which are not delivered within five days of pickup must be returned to the custodian of payroll warrants located in Human Resource Services - Payroll (CP – 770).
- Employees who know in advance that they will not be available to pick up their salary warrant/direct deposit advice may request that their salary warrant or direct deposit advice be mailed to them by providing a self-address stamped envelope. If the employee is absent due to illness, vacation, away for training or separation, the warrant or advice may be mailed to the employee's residence by their department or Payroll Services. Any warrants or statements that have not been picked up or mailed in five days must be returned to Human Resource Services - Payroll (CP-770).
- Payroll warrants which are not delivered within five days of pickup must be returned to the custodian of payroll warrants located in Human Resource Services - Payroll (CP-770).
It is the intent of these procedures to safeguard warrants from being distributed to unauthorized persons and to guard against defalcation. In circumstances not covered by these procedures, the Director of Human Resources Services - Payroll shall be responsible for approving appropriate action to deal with unusual circumstances. Please contact the appropriate Payroll Account Representative to determine if the circumstance requires the Director’s approval.
State agencies will observe the following separation of duties in designating persons who can certify or process personnel documents to SCO, Division of Personnel and Payroll Services. Persons designated by agencies to receive salary warrants from SCO, or to distribute salary warrants to employees, or to handle salary warrants for any other purpose will not be authorized to process or sign any of the documents listed above.
View All Earned Benefit Leave Types
CMS 634 Absence and Additional Time Worked Report
Overtime must be authorized
the time is actually worked. The total hours authorized must be recorded on the form and signed by the person authorized to approve overtime work. After the overtime is worked, the actual hours worked are recorded in the last column (do not record the hours at time and one-half). The form is certified by the employee's signature and the supervisor's signature and then sent to the Approving Official for STD 634 forms for final approval and signature. The Approving Official for the STD 634 form then sends the form to Payroll Services for submittal to the State Controller for payment.
The STD 682 form is available in Informed Filler.
Information presented is for educational purposes only. The most current labor contracts, State Administrative Manual or other sources contain the updated official rules, regulations and policies.
STD 682 Authorization for Extra Hours Form