Conducting Equitable and Inclusive Searches 



Cal State Fullerton is an equal opportunity employer that prohibits discrimination based on regardless of race, sex, color, ethnicity, national origin, or any other protected status.

All search committee members participating in faculty, staff, or MPP searches are to complete the Conducting Equitable and Inclusive Searches module once every two years.

Effective immediately, all search committee members participating in faculty, staff, or MPP searches are to complete an asynchronous education session on equitable and inclusive search practices. Individuals serving on a search committee will have to attend a session once every two years. 

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Self-Paced Sessions 


  • Faculty Recruitment and Hiring:  Department Search Committee (DSC) members may complete this self-paced module to fulfill their training requirement before initiating their faculty search. Their completion is valid for 2 years and will be recorded in FTH. Completing this self-paced module fulfills the training requirement for both faculty and staff/MPP searches. Contact if you have any questions regarding this module.





Frequently Asked Questions

How often do individuals need to participate in the Conducting Equitable and Inclusive Searches learning session?

Anyone serving on a search committee is required to participate in a session at least every two years. This applies to faculty, MPP and staff searches.

Who will participate in the equitable searches sessions?

The equitable searches sessions are designed for the entire campus community including faculty and staff. Every individual on a search committee must complete it. Faculty who participate in a session specifically designed for tenure-track searches are covered for staff and MPP searches.

Faculty search chairs should contact for current tenure track search committee education requirements.

What happens if a search committee member has not completed Conducting Equitable and Inclusive Searches?

This diversity education program works best when all members of the search committee complete a session before the start of a search. However, search committee members are expected to complete a session before receiving access to or reviewing applicant materials.

How often will Conducting Equitable and Inclusive Searches be offered for attendees?

To provide ample opportunity to participate you can take the self-paced module through FTH or Canvas. Completing this self-paced module fulfills the training requirement for both faculty and staff/MPP searches.

Who will communicate with the individuals who need to complete Conducting Equitable and Inclusive Searches?

The search committee chair, if different from hiring manager, is responsible for ensuring their committee members have all completed their session. The search committee chair must communicate with the Office of Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity Programs to coordinate a session for committee members.

How will I keep track of when I need to complete the session again?

Each participant should keep up with their participation dates and note when they need to participate again. To support that effort, participants will complete a pre and post session evaluation via Qualtrics, thus indicating their session completion. Once both evaluations are complete, DIEP will send participants a timestamped certificate of completion.

How will this change the hiring manager role?

The hiring managers/search committee chairs will be responsible for ensuring that all members of the search committee have completed the equitable search sessions. Each participant will receive a certificate of completion with a date for cross referencing. If it is determined that a search committee member has not completed the session, the hiring manager will need to work with that committee member to ensure they participate in an upcoming session.

What is the purpose of Conducting Equitable and Inclusive Searches?

The Conducting Equitable and Inclusive Searches program will help participants identify and review:

  • Strategies and techniques for ensuring equity through identification and management of biases that may influence search or hiring processes
  • The equal employment opportunity regulatory environment that governs hiring practices
  • The important roles search committee chairs and individual committee members play in making a successful hire

Does Conducting Equitable and Inclusive Searchescount toward Inclusive Champion Certificate Program (ICCP) completion?

Participation will count toward Inclusive Champion Certificate Program completion.