HRDI Partners
Disability Support Services
Visit the Disability Support Services webpage for accommodations and accessibility resources for students at CSUF.
Diversity Initiative Resources Centers
Visit the Diversity Initiative Resources Centers webpage for more information on student cultural centers and resources to help expand cultural competency and identity development.
Employee Training Center (ETC)
Visit the Employee Training Center (ETC) webpage to discover trainings on the centralized learning management system for university faculty and staff at CSUF.
Extension and International Programs (EIP)
CSUF faculty and staff who are State employees are eligible to enroll in many development courses at no cost, on a space-available basis. For more information visit, the Extension and International Programs (EIP) webpage.
Faculty Affairs and Records (FAR)
Visit the Faculty Affairs and Records webpage to find more information on academic employee processes such as: Retention, Tenure, and Promotion (RTP); Temporary Faculty (Lecturer) Evaluation; Post-Tenure Review; Range Elevation; Student Opinion Questionnaires (SOQs); Sabbatical and DIP Leaves; and Records Retention and Disposition.
Faculty Development Center
Visit the Faculty Development Center webpage for resources and workshops to help faculty members thrive in their role at CSUF.
Title IX
Visit the Title IX and Gender Equity webpage for more information on policies and the reporting process for gender or sex-related discrimination, harassment, misconduct or retaliation.
Veterans Resource Center
Visit the Veterans Resource Center webpage to learn more about comprehensive services offered to military-connected students that support personal, academic, and professional success.
Women's and Adult Re-Entry Center
Visit the Women's and Adult Re-Entry Center webpage for more information and resources on issues of gender and social equity as well as services, leadership opportunities, educational programs and advocacy available to the CSUF community.