Faculty Compensation



The Office of the Chancellor, Systemwide HR, is the official distributor of the CSU salary schedule.  Salary schedule files are updated on an ongoing basis. (prior to what is there now.)


salary schedule


CSU Salary ScheduleOpens in new window

Salaries are negotiated through collective bargaining between the CSU Board of Trustees and the California Faculty Association. The salary ranges are the same throughout the California State University for equivalent levels. Salary levels within each rank or range are defined by a minimum salary level, a service-based maximum salary level, and a performance-based maximum salary level. Newly-appointed faculty may be hired at a salary which is above the service-based maximum salary for a given rank/range, but will be ineligible to receive SSI consideration (see the following section).





Faculty members are compensated based on their current academic rank and in accordance with the Cal State University CSU Salary ScheduleOpens in new window . Faculty salaries are established via collective bargaining between the bargaining agent (CFA) and the Trustees of the CSU. Instructional Faculty ranks include: Assistant, Instructor, Lecturer (Ranges A (2) - D (5), Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor. For tenured and probationary faculty members, a promotion is required to move from one rank to the next higher rank.




Academic Year Faculty Pay


Academic employees are paid monthly. Academic year employees receive twelve monthly paychecks. CSUF Payroll Website includes a list of monthly payment dates and information for those interested in having their paychecks electronically deposited directly in their bank, savings and loan, or credit union.

Payment is made to academic year faculty as follows:

Fall-only Faculty Pay Schedule
6 equal checks for the semester, beginning on October 1          
Oct 1 Nov 1 Dec 1 Jan 1 Feb 1 Mar 1 Apr 1 May 1 June 1 July 1 Aug 1 Sept 1
Fall 1 Fall 2 Fall 3 Fall 4 Fall 5 Fall 6            


Spring-only Faculty Pay Schedule
6 equal checks for the semester, beginning on March 1          
Oct 1 Nov 1 Dec 1 Jan 1 Feb 1 Mar 1 Apr 1 May 1 June 1 July 1 Aug 1 Sept 1
          Spring 1 Spring 2 Spring 3 Spring 4 Spring 5 Spring 6  


Academic-Year Faculty Pay Schedule
12 equal checks for each academic year, beginning on October 1          
Oct 1 Nov 1 Dec 1 Jan 1 Feb 1 Mar 1 Apr 1 May 1 June 1 July 1 Aug 1 Sept 1
Fall 1 Fall 2 Fall 3 Fall 4 Fall 5 Spring 1 Spring 2 Spring 3 Spring 4 Spring 5 Spring 6 Fall 6




 Salary Adjustments 


The following salary adjustments may apply if negotiated through collective bargaining in any given year (please see Article 31 of the CBA):PDF File Opens in new window


General Salary Increase (GSI)

A General Salary Increase is an increase to base salary that applies to all employees within the faculty bargaining unit.


Service Salary Increases (SSI)PDF File Opens in new window

A Service Salary Increase is an upward movement on the salary schedule, awarded to faculty members who have been determined to be eligible based on qualifying service, satisfactory performance and additional criteria described in the CBA.


After appointment or promotion, faculty may be eligible to apply for up to a maximum of eight (8) Service Salary Increases (SSI), or the equivalent, for “demonstrated satisfactory performance commensurate with rank, work assignment, and years of service” when SSIs are specifically negotiated. SSIs may not be awarded beyond the service-based maximum on the salary schedule for a rank or range, even if a faculty member has not attained the equivalent of eight SSIs before reaching the maximum. For eligible faculty having an SSI counter greater than zero, an SSI not exceeding 2.65% will be applied to their salary the first day of the semester after they become eligible.






Department chair pay and impact on pay moving in and out of chair appointments.




Range Elevation


Range Elevation InformationOpens in new window

Faculty Affairs and Records provides the criteria and process for range elevation.


Lecturer Range ElevationPDF File Opens in new window

Lecturers who are ineligible for further Service Salary Increases (i.e. have an SSI counter of “0” and who have at least five (5) years of service) may request to be considered for elevation to the next lecturer range upon subsequent appointment. Eligibility lists will be distributed annually to the colleges by Faculty Affairs and Records (Link to website). These requests will be considered in accordance with established campus policy and appropriate college and department criteria.  College range elevation criteria and procedures may be obtained from the college, department or the Faculty Affairs and Records website.