Faculty Early Retirement Program (FERP) and Pre-Retirement Reduction In Time Base (PRTB)

PRTB & FERP Information PDF File Opens in new window               Summer vs. Dec. Retirement & FERP 



faculty early retirement program (ferp)


Eligible tenured faculty may elect to participate in the Faculty Early Retirement Program (FERP). This program allows participants to be granted a service retirement and continue to be employed full-time for one semester in the academic year or to be employed half-time both semesters in the academic year.





Hire Date Minimum FERP age Minimum Retirement age Min. Service to Continue Medical Insurance*
Pre-12/31/2010 55 50 5
1/1/2011 to 12/31/2012 60 50 5
1/1/2013 to Current 62 52 5
7/1/2017 to Current 62 52 10

*Based on the Public Employer's Pension Reform Act (PEPRA)





Pre-Retirement Reduction in Time Base (PRTB)


Pre-Retirement Reduction in Time Base (PRTB) is a program that allows eligible faculty to work less than full-time for up to five years prior to retirement while continuing to accrue full service credit toward retirement. Eligible faculty members must be tenured and employed in the Cal State University (CSU) for at least 10 years full-time with the five years immediately preceding PRTB having been continuous full-time employment, and must meet the age requirement of 55 years of age through 64 years of age (63 years if a member of the State Teachers’ Retirement System) at time of request.


For further information on these programs, contact HRIE at 657-278-2636.



